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User And Content Agreement
Tell your family and friends:
The abusers who commit 95 percent of the sex acts against children are driven by an ongoing sex drive directed toward children.
We can identify the development of this disorder early - during the teenage years and even younger.
Some people with an ongoing sex drive directed toward children are not yet child molesters because they've never acted on their disorder.
We can drastically reduce most child sexual abuse by following a three-step plan that's been proven successful in conquering other public health problems.
Treatment Sites in Canada
This list is provided as a public service. Therapists and mental health centers listed have affirmed that they meet certain minimum requirements for inclusion including that they provide specialized cognitive-behavioral treatments, refer their clients/patients to physicians for medications, as needed, and perform objective testing related to sexual interest. Appearance on this list in no way constitutes the Child Molestation Research & Prevention Institute’s endorsement of an individual therapist or center.